There is no such thing as supernatural

keep-calm-and-believe-in-the-greek-gods-1All day, every day someone is making a claim to the supernatural. They are seeing ghosts, they are feeling the hand of their god, they are witnessing healing, they are crediting supernatural beings with the creation of the universe and manipulation thereafter, they are urged to “sin” by supernatural demons and devils. And they are 100% sure that they have experienced the supernatural working in their lives.

But what is supernatural anyway? Webster’s gives the following definition:

Supernatural : Unable to be explained by science or the laws of nature : of, relating to, or seeming to come from magic, a god, etc.

Well I’m saying there is no supernatural. How can I make such a claim when nearly all of humanity disagrees? Well, it’s simple. If it’s interfering in our world in a measurable way, that’s natural. Wherever gods or ghosts or demons or devils are manipulating physical objects, that’s a natural process.

Think about the way science works. A hypothesis is proposed. An experiment or multiple experiments are conceived which will both serve to support that hypothesis and stand to falsify that hypothesis. If the experiments all support the hypothesis and do not falsify it, we can eventually consider that hypothesis to be a scientific theory. There is some process that when it occurs, it can be measured and causation known.

In all of our scientific experience, we have never found a natural occurrence where we could measure the cause and that cause turned out to be magical or spiritual. Orbits, earthquakes, lightning, magnetism were all once thought to be powered by supernatural beings and have all be debunked into naturalism by science.

Theistic believers use the term supernatural to hide their claims from scientific scrutiny. After all, if you make a proposal of a supernatural mechanism and I ask, “How can I prove that with scientific measurements?” you will tell me that it’s supernatural. It’s timeless, spaceless, immaterial, eternal, and outside the bounds of physicality.

Well I call bunk on that. If it can be measured, it’s natural. If it can’t be measured, it’s not supernatural, it’s either unknown or non-existent.

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